

 What’s Missing??  

            I woke up with a certain feeling of melancholy in me. You know the feeling that you get when you’re trying to figure out the title of the song that you heard playin’ in the bus? It’s in the tip of your tongue but you just can’t seem to figure it out. That’s exactly what I felt. Fuck. It sucks when you have to wake up every day and you’ll know beforehand how it will end. Utter boredom. Am I the only one feeling this way? Or am I just too damn depressed. I need a fix. Gimme Lithium or somethin’…


            I got dressed up for work, with my iPod in one hand and my cellphone in the other. I was thinkin’ of what I’d be doin’ in the office later. My days are becoming to routine for me. I’d finish my daily tasks in two hours tops. The rest I’d spend smoking my lungs out (hence, paperlungs), focusing my eyes on any chick that I see pass by and whathaveyou. There is still a sense of incompleteness inside of me. Something’s missing.

I think John Mayer said it best :

“Something’s missing and I don’t know how to fix it.

 Somethings’s missing and I don’t know what it is.”

~ by paperlungs on June 28, 2007.

One Response to “Routine”

  1. Your not the only one feeling that way, man. me too.But we dont need a fix. And you know what? Fuck the world if they can’t adjust!

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